What is a Healthy Lifestyle Over 50? 

Many people wonder what is a healthy lifestyle and how that changes as our bodies age.

You can enjoy an active lifestyle and remain energetic and focused on life goals after the age of 50, but your health concerns do change at this age. You may pay more attention to your diet or how to exercise while limiting the risk of physical injury. You might decide that it's time to boost your brain power and keep forgetfulness at bay.

The good news is that all of us can remain energetic, healthy, physically attractive, and fit over 50 -- but, it requires a few adjustments. The following considerations will help you gain a deeper understanding of what it means to maintain a healthy lifestyle in your later years.

Nutritious Eating Habits

Fresh Vegetables

Getting your veggies is now more important than ever because your body needs a wide range of vitamins and nutrients to function properly. You also need to keep your immune system strong so that you’re less susceptible to the flu and other germs that can take a drastic toll on an older body.

From calcium and vitamin D to omega-3 fatty acids and protein, it’s important to consume a variety of nutrients in the form of whole foods with as little processing as possible.

If you are wondering what is a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition, it may be a good idea to visit your doctor for a checkup. A medical professional can help you identify any deficiencies that are currently impacting your overall health and energy level.

XTERRA Fitness Treadmills

Consistent Exercise

What is a healthy lifestyle of exercise at your age?  It isn’t about sweating buckets or outlasting your friends at the gym. Simple activities like walking, swimming or taking a dance class can keep your muscles toned and your fat stores reasonable.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t challenge yourself. When it comes to working out, you get what you pay for. Push a little harder each day and commit to strength training as well as cardio sessions.

Participate in exercise activities that are fun. Then, you are more likely to remain motivated. As long as you’re consistent and committed to the process, exercise will help you stay healthy at any age.

It is no longer a subject of debate that exercise improves memory, sleep, energy levels, strength and flexibility, heart rate, work performance, confidence, and immunity. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and 13 different cancers, and it decreases the risk of dementia and chronic diseases. 

The Son of the Beast Pro

Chronic Disease Detection, Treatment, Prevention

The older you get, the risk of chronic and life-threatening diseases increases -- like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

But, there is good news! Take a moment to think about how much control you have over your health.

  • Eight of the nine leading categories of death and disability are preventable.
  • 70% of premature death is related to lifestyle choices.

Although it is true that a healthy lifestyle is your best bet to avoid disease, I encourage you to see your doctor regularly for checkups. Again, what is a healthy lifestyle? It includes getting those health screenings, because early detection is essential to treating and surviving the most devastating diseases.

Social Interaction & 
Mental Stimulation

Sitting at home on the couch reminiscing about the social life that you enjoyed in your younger years is not the kind of exercise your brain needs. Your brain needs social stimulation.

Utilize the internet to stay in touch with friends and family members. Join clubs and groups centered on activities that you enjoy. Get out there and cut a rug, volunteer at a dog rescue or homeless shelter, or simply communicate with your neighbors as you walk your dog.

Studies show that older adults who continue to learn and challenge their mental skills are less likely to suffer various forms of dementia. Picking up crossword puzzles or textbooks at your local Goodwill store, or taking an online class, can keep your mind as alive as the rest of your body.

Are you neglecting any of these areas of your lifestyle today? If so, I encourage you to take the time and give a little more effort to live a well-balanced lifestyle. It is never too late to try something new. 


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The content of this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be taken as a replacement for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment by a doctor, dietitian, physical therapist, nutritionist or fitness instructor.


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