Fitness Ball Exercises for Women

Best Fitness Ball Exercises for Women

Okay, Ladies. It's time to bring on fitness ball exercises for women if you want to add some fun to your workout.

An exercise ball will improve your fitness now because it can be used to address several components of fitness that will allow you to retain quality of life, and a healthier, more youthful body as you age.

These over-sized, lightweight balls may not only make you feel like a kid again, they can also help relieve the stress on your joints when performing challenging movements. A balance ball can improve coordination and balance, and it's a perfect tool for sculpting and strengthening your core muscles.

Sitting on an exercise ball at your desk or when watching television can help improve your posture while challenging your leg and core muscles throughout the day. If you’re worried about the ball rolling away, invest in an exercise ball that comes with a stable base.

What to Do with An Exercise Ball

Woman on Exercise Ball

Now that you’re ready to give your muscles a challenge, what should you do with your fitness ball? The following fitness ball exercises for women are suitable for most people regardless of fitness level.

  • Roll Outs: Go down to your knees in front of your exercise ball. Lean forward slightly to rest your arms on top of the ball. Bracing your core, lean forward to roll the ball forward. This will feel similar to holding a plank position on the floor, but you want to stop before your hips drop too far toward the ground. Pause with the tension on your abdominals for just a moment, and then bend your arms to roll back to the starting position.

  • Overhead Passes: Stretch out flat on the floor with your back to the ground, your arms straight over your head, and the fitness ball between your feet. Squeeze your feet and calves around the ball as you lift your legs and arms toward the center of your body. Pass the ball from your feet to your hands, and then lower back down to starting position. Repeat to pass the ball back to your feet, continuing for at least 10 repetitions.

  • Leg Raises: Lie on the floor with your legs extended in the air at a 90-degree angle. Place the ball between your feet, and then lower it toward the ground. You want to stop before the ball reaches the floor, and then bring your legs back to the starting position. Only go down as far as you can without losing control of the ball.

  • Ball Squats. Place the exercise ball between your back and the wall. Bend your knees knees at a 45 to 90-degree angle, and hold the position while you count to 20 slowly. This is a more effective version of the wall sit that may place less pressure on your lower back muscles.

For more exercises, you can refer to the information often provided in the packaging when you make your purchase. There are also some great DVDs available. 

Fitness Ball Exercises for Women -- An Affordable and Effective Fitness Tool

Exercise balls are one of the most affordable fitness tools that you can buy today; but, you don’t want to make that investment until you determine the best ball size for your height. Sizes generally range from 45 to 85 centimeters, and the right ball will allow you to sit with level knees when your feet are flat on the floor.

As a general guide, you should select a 45 cm ball if you’re less than five feet tall. If you’re under six feet tall, a 55 cm ball is likely your best fit. 85 cm balls are too large for most people to sit on comfortably, but you may still use a ball of this size to perform more challenging fitness ball exercises for women.

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