How you care for your hair may change during menopause, when it can feel like every cell of your body is being altered. From the speed of your metabolism to the appearance of your skin and energy level, you no longer know what to expect from your system.
Unfortunately, menopause and hair loss do go hand in hand for many women. The good news is that you can learn to care for your hair in a way that minimizes those changes.
Like most things in relation to menopause, solutions are best applied as early on as possible. This guide will illuminate some hair care tips that can help you preserve your thick, shiny locks.
Anything that causes fluctuations in your hormone levels can cause changes in the thickness of your hair. Since menopause leads to a decrease in the natural production of estrogen and progesterone, hair growth starts to slow down and many women experience some level of hair loss as a result.
The problem is compounded when male hormones known as androgens are given more power. These hormones are known to destroy hair follicles, leading to devastating hair loss. Androgens are naturally produced by the female body, but the levels inside most women aren’t high enough to cause a problem with their hair. When estrogen and progesterone start to decline or the production of androgen is heightened due to menopause, these follicle-destroying hormones can take center stage.
You might consider talking to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). If your doctor isn't knowledgeable in this area, contact an endocrinologist. They specialize in hormonal imbalances.
As estrogen levels continue to drop, you may also notice that your hair is becoming dry. You may not have the volume that you enjoyed in your younger years. You might want to begin coloring your hair, as your natural color begins to lose its personality.
These things are caused by the lower levels of estrogen flowing through your system; but there are some dry hair care tips that may limit the damage as you care for your hair:
Many women go through hormone replacement therapy to balance out their hormones and ease the symptoms of menopause, but it’s also important to take care of your body on a daily basis. In addition to care for your hair, these tips will give you some natural and highly effective ideas on what self-care should include after menopause.
Menopause does cause change throughout a woman’s body, but that doesn’t mean you can’t remain stunningly beautiful throughout your lifetime. It all comes down to how you care for your body. Take action early because prevention is much easier than repairing damaged or thinning hair.
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