Best Senior Fitness Programs for Effective and Fun
At-Home Workouts 

Best Senior Fitness Programs for Effective, Fun At-Home Workouts

Some of the best senior fitness programs are not held at the gym.  In fact, you don’t have to leave your house to increase your activity level, improve your strength and flexibility, and support your mobility.

If your doctor is begging you to get off the couch or you’re just looking for new ways to stay fit, there are some great at-home workout programs that will help you reach your fitness goals at any age.

Merach Recumbent Stationary Exercise Bikes With Blue Tooth

Great for Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

Available upgrades include: padded seat with ergonomic backrest, car-style gear shifter, and heartrate tracking 

At Home Senior Fitness Programs That You Might Enjoy

Tai Cheng by Beachbody

This is a 90-day program that teaches authentic Tai Chi movements at a slow pace. You can expect to strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility, and reduce your risk for injuries in daily life while learning one of the most exciting forms of martial arts. This is perfect for seniors who want to immerse themselves in a longer program that allows them to gradually improve on basic fitness skills. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can buy Tai Cheng on Amazon without getting tangled up with a Beachbody distributor program.

Online DVD Videos for Seniors  that explain how to do stretches and strength training moves that are safe for senior citizens.

Do you want more online workouts that won’t cost you a dime? Search for “senior citizen workouts,” “chair workouts,” and other related terms on YouTube. You’ll find a variety of the best senior fitness programs and workouts suitable for senior citizens.

Check out Peloton Bikes and Equipment at Amazon

Walk Away the Pounds DVDs -- The Ultimate Collection

Leslie Sansone is the master of at-home walking, and she has some fun DVDs that will help walkers of all ages get in their steps without leaving their homes. Beginners can choose the one-mile workouts or some of the easy-walk workouts. Seniors starting out with a higher level of fitness can go for brisker walks of two to five miles. Some workout also include light strength training, and the Ultimate Collection even comes with a free exercise band.

If you're excited about the prospects of adding a little dancing, strength training, or flexibility exercises into your daily life, then pick up one of the above workouts and get in shape without leaving your home.

Silver Sneakers Fitness Program

If you're feeling adventurous and might consider joining a group once in a while you might consider Silver Sneakers. The SilverSneakers fitness program is a health plan benefit for Medicare beneficiaries that provides older adults with fitness center membership, customized group exercise classes, and a supportive social environment that promotes socialization among participants. 

Woman Dancing at Home

Participation in the SilverSneakers program was associated with more favorable overall physical and social/emotional health status and fewer activity impairments, suggesting that the provision of senior-oriented group fitness programs may be a valuable approach to improve quality of life and reduce the burden associated with declining health and functioning as older adults age. 

JEEKEE Recumbent Exercise Bike for Adults Seniors - Indoor Magnetic Cycling Fitness Equipment for Home Workout 

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